What to do if you find a stray grey well ahead of pension pot? Reach for the bleach? Go au naturel? Or freak the hell out? That was a decision I faced aged 23. Genetically I haven't been blessed in the follicle department - early onset greys run in the Green family and by 25 I had a handful of stray greys that I could no longer ignore.
Dealing with greys in your twenties is a very personal decision - I have utmost respect for any one who decides to the bypass the bleach and let nature take it's course. A couple of years ago I worked on a shoot with British Vogue Features Director Sarah Harris, who possesses an incredible, ethereal mane of white-grey hair. Combined with her innate sense of style, Sarah's stand-out hair has made her a regular in the fashion week street style round-ups. Turning grey at the tender age of 16, she decided to embrace her silver shade, tiring of the frequent salon visits to conceal her roots (I really enjoyed reading her honest account in The Telegraph). However, if you have 95% of your natural colour intact like myself, what's the best solution?
I have to credit the magical team of colourists at Headmasters for coming to my rescue here. Having been a client for several years, I've received an education on how best to conceal through 'couture colour'. There's some really clever techniques and optical illusions that can be created without spending an absolute fortune / living in the salon.